Admission Policy

In the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, we accept a wide range of students with the following knowledge.
Individuals who are interested in creating new information systems, such as construction of advanced information systems and creation of intelligent information technologies, and have the desire to be active globally as researchers and engineers of cutting-edge technologies.
Individuals who have sufficient academic ability in basic math and science subjects such as mathematics and physics, and basic subjects such as English and Japanese.

Undergraduate Admissions

Admission capacity: 120

Admissions Categories Students Admitted
General entrance exam First examination: 64
General entrance exam Second examination: 42
Admissions office entrance examination SAIL entrance examination: 7
Entrance examination for recommended students Recommended entrance examination: 7
Special entrance examination Privately-financed international students: a few

Entrance Examination for Third Year Transfer

Admissions Categories Students Admitted
Transfer examination to third year (Recommendation entrance examination, General entrance examination) 20